Friday, 10 October 2008

Full on Korean meal

Friends are coming over for dinner tomorrow night and I want to cook my special dish, Korean chilli chicken and potatoes! Just scowling the web to see of any other dishes I can make. So far I have in mind, Pa Jun (Korean seafood pancakes) and Korean soup.

I plan to cook the following

Korean Chilli chicken and potatoes, see earlier post for recipe.
Beef ribs Bulgogi
Pa jun
Some korean pickle vegetables (no cooking required, buy from my one of faviourite shop, Kimchi Village! :P)

Just found a site with loads of simple to follow Korean recipes

Will decide on any more dishes!!!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Pop pan crackers

Remember these spring onion and chive crackers from Garden?!

I bought a packet yesterday and finished them by lunchtime today. They are very addictive, as they are thin, tasty and crispy.

I want to try the mini pop pan crackers!!!

Why does going to the spa make me so sleepy?!

We went to visit Bath City over the weekend for our 2nd wedding anniversary celebrations. Staying in a small cottage in SouthStoke.

One of the things we planned to do is go to Thermae Spa in Bath City. Hubby didnt feel too excited at first when I mentioned that we are going to the spa. However we decided to check it out the day before we intend to go the for the spa session and after seeing the place and talking to someone about spa sessions, hubby got surprisely excited. I think he wanted to jump into the pool and from the top of the building! :P

We decided to go for a 4 hour session of spa, consisting of different saunas, minerva pool, rooftop spa and jacuzzi! I love relaxing and taking it easy, but somehow, the longer I was in the pool, the more tired I got, till the point that I had to leave my hubby in the minerva pool and I had to go and have a little kip on the spa benches. I might haved drifted off for around 30 mins and continusously hearing hubby talking to someone. He was actually happily in the whirl pool with a noodle joining others drifting around merrily.

The saunas were bliss, it made me feel absolutely relaxed and my mind so tranquil.

After we got back to the cottage, I wanted to have a long sleep which I did and a late lie in. :)