I just came back holidaying in Thailand and Singapore and had an amazing time. Time spent with my other half is always fun and enjoyable. However this holiday is slightly different, I got to meet some of my friends from around the world. More on that later!
One of my good friends Mich, recommended me to try the FINE Hyaluron & Collagen powder to improve my skin. She has already blogged about it, so I will not go into details on the ingredients and packaging etc. Please read her review http://anonymousmich.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/fine-hyaluron-collagen.html.
Here is the link to more information about this product. http://www.tokyoninki.com/webshaper/store/viewProd.asp?pkProductItem=88
I bought my tin of FINE from Singapore Sasa, though you can buy it from Sasa online too. Every morning I have cereal and I put a teaspoon of this powder and mix it with milk before adding cereal.
Taste wise, mixed with milk, its a bit creamy, I think it milk smells rather sweet but it does not taste sweet.
When I got back from my trip, I had several spots on my face and with coming back to UK weather, my skin soon developed lots of dry patches.
I have taken this for 6 days now, I can honestly say all my spots have deflated and look really faint. I have freckles which are not changed in any way but the rest of the skin on my face seems to be clearer as well as brighter. I do still have some dryness but I don't think without moisturising, my skin will get any hydration. When I feel my face, its more elasticated and soft. All in all, I notice a big difference on my face. This is because when I usually get spots on my face, it takes a long time for them to disappear, but this time, its less than one week!
I will continue with this tin until I finish it! So far so good though! Thumbs up!