Saturday, 12 February 2011

Gun Hei Fat Choi!

I cannot believe its nearly been a year since I last posted on here! Have been too lazy to write anything really but hope to change this soon!

The Year of the Rabbit has arrived and I have wiped my slate clean and will focus on some new challenges, change my bad habits and change for the better really.

So what had I been upto for the past year or so....I have been exercising a lot and dieting and have lose quite a lot of weight upto near the end of 2010. I did Race for Life, now that was challenging but it was very enjoyable! We went to New York and Hong Kong for holidays which was a great end to the year!

I havent made any specific New Years resolutions as I have lots to try and concentrate. I am still continuing with the exercise and diet and hope to lose bit more. Thinking of doing Adidas women's challenge in the summer! Hub and I already organised some holidays for Easter, we are going to Japan and Hong Kong again! :) Love both places and will be aiming of doing different things in Japan than last time.

Hope to do more cycling and outdoor actitivies like camping, jogging and hiking. The last few months have been pretty cold so I am really looking forward to warmer weather when that comes along.

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