Friday, 26 March 2010

Requested by a friend: Homemade chilli oil recipe

My dad makes a good mean chilli oil from scratch. It's one of his many cooking talets. However, I'm not keen on the taste of chilli oil and the last time I brought a jar back, I gave it to a friend who loved it and wanted to know how to make it.

List of ingredients include:
Dried scallops
Dried shrimps
Dried chillis
Shrimp paste (optional)
Fresh red chillis
Fresh large red pepper
Oil - lot of it!

Finely chop everything and stir fry in hot oil. Once they look cooked, transfer them into a deep frying oil and cook like a casserole till the colour of the whole pan turns bright red and to own preferred taste of chilliness. Let the whole pan cool down before dishing them into jars. Seal jars and put in fridge. It can be used as dipping sauce as well as in cooking.

My dad also commented that if the whole kitchen / house does not smell of hot cooking chillis, then it hasn't been cooked enough!

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